Have you ever?
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep, so hard that the moisture of your eyes, drives you to a place where nothing exists, and that nothingness feels like bliss? Have you ever felt the pain of your heart spreading throughout your chest, and you crave one tight hug, but there is no one to help? Have you ever gone through a moment, where your heart clenches in pain, as if someone is holding it tight in their fists, and breaking it ruthlessly? If you have felt all this, andyou are still alive, breathing and surviving, then mate, I assure you, you are great.
If you are still alive, somehow going through each day, healing and shattering all over again, then I assure you, everything’s gonna be fine real soon. You’re gonna smile and laugh like never before, you’re gonna find peace and happiness in little things, life's gonna feel fine and perfect, I assure you this, but you just need to never lose hope. You need to hold on tight on life, you need to let go the things that hurt you, you need to move on and look at things with new perspective,
And I assure you, you’re gonna heal so well, I promise.
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